Selected Publications

This paper proposes an approach to detect Ponzi schemes implemented in smart contract on Ethereum blockchain by using data mining and machine learning methods. The experimental results show that the proposed approach can achieve high accuracy for practical use. More importantly, the approach can be used to detect Ponzi schemes even at the moment of its creation. By using the proposed approach, we estimate that there are more than 400 Ponzi schemes running on Ethereum.
In WWW2018, 2018

Recent Publications

. Poster: Efficient Blockchain-based Software Systems via Hierarchical Bucket Tree. ICSE, 2018.

. IoT Service Based on JointCloud Blockchain: The Case Study of Smart Traveling. SOSE, 2018.


. Detecting Ponzi Schemes on Ethereum: Towards Healthier Blockchain Technology. In WWW2018, 2018.

PDF Project


Blockchain Data Analysis

Blockchain data provides unprecedented opportunity for researchers to understand human behavior by mining the transactioin history. This projects aims to track and develop the latest mining and analysis techniques for blockchain data.

Anti Scam

This project focused on anti-scames in blockchain ecosystem.

Cryptocurrency Market Analysis

This projects focoused on two purpose: 1) what are the driver factors for the price of cryptocurrency and 2) How to detect maket manipulation behaviors
